This site is quickly becoming a list of lists. Yet this post is to highlight Adrian Curry's "Movie Poster of the Week: Best of 2010".
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By the third week of January it seems a little late for The Best Movie Posters of 2010 but nonetheless, here it is. Enjoy, or be angered or do whatever you do with lists. I wonder if the movies are any good? I know one is. "I Am Love" is very good.
“The letters are designed to seem timeless too, by mixing a curlicue script drawn by the Italian calligrapher Luca Barcellona with a simple modernist typeface [...] echoes both the handwritten titles of the Italian neo-Realist films of the late 1940s, and the Milanese shop signs of that period.”Oddly though, its opening title sequence is so gorgeous, it seems to be getting more attention than the film itself. It is a wonderful marriage of luxurious typography, detailed design, beautiful images and an almost Bernard Herrmann-esque score (Hermann created the driving score for Hitchcock's North By Northwest).
Alice Rawsthorn,
The New York Times
Here's the sequence designed by Marco Cendron with calligraphy by Luca Barcellona (that frankly takes the design from simply great to an instant classic).
Io sono l'amore - Titles from Marcello Brivio on Vimeo via Svend Design.
As much as a title sequences should be appreciated in motion, it's still worth taking a closer look from the Flickr set of Paul Soulellis.
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