
image via designspiration
When a colleague said with shock in her voice, “Prince is dead” my first reaction was nothing but an open mouthed silence. I was perplexed then a bit angry. It’s been such a year of loss of the kind of artists that lived in your heart and your head. And not just celebrities. Two friends recently lost parents. I guess I’ve reached “that” age. The age when basically the parents of you and your cohort are in their twilight years and a fall, a virus or any number of afflictions could easily take them. Then I thought I guess I’m also that age when the artists who would have affected me as a teen were approaching their twilight years too.
What is that age? A few weeks ago I tried to buy some replacement leads for a mechanical pencil in non-photo blue. I know it sounds anachronistic but it’s a useful sketching tool. You rough out work in non-reproducible colour, such as blue and work your final lines in a reproducible one (say pen or black pencil) so that when you photograph it or scan it, only the dark line prevails. Yet when I went to a nearby art supply store I was told that item had been discontinued. Am I so old that I’ve outlived a kind of pencil? Not just a kind of pencil but a whole process of working now deemed too mechanical and unused to be made anymore. Even my beloved art materials are dying.
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