Read, Mark, Learn and Inwardly Digest

Photo Credit: Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times
As a man, I like fire. I also like meat, vegetables, poultry, fish and fruit. The algorithm is so simple, it's math even Jim Flaherty could follow; I like to eat + I like fire = I like to grill. Thank heavens therefore, for the arrival of Canada Day (Dominion Day to anyone over 30) and Mark Bittman's - 101 Fast Recipes for Grilling.
Thank you, Sir. Your book, "How to Cook Everything" (or whatever; remember, I am Man, which unfortunately means when it comes to reading I'm running on a small cylinder engine) has been a source of inspiration to me, and thank you, New York Times for this timely article on all things to grill. The sumptuous photography only adds to my desire to kick off the oppressive shackles of work, hop on my bike and fill mine saddle baggery to the brim with all imaginable grillables, not to mention liquors, spirits, ales and refreshments.
Let the tofu-dog-eaters fend for themselves (though I will save yee a small reserve of grill space somewhere in the back corner of the top-side).
I believe it was Chaucer who said, "I don't wanna work, I want to play in de sun all day, mahn", or someone — keeping in mind what I said previously about my remembrances of literary things. This weekend I will absorb my Vitamin D from above and my protein shall be kissed by 50,000 BTUs of propane-fueled heat from below.