Wednesday, December 12, 2012

He Posted Early 

Now that all my Christmas Posts have been done, I can confidently say, “It's out of my hands!” Some amalgamation of couriers, national postal services and army mules will be delivering anything I've ordered or sent for the holidays. In days of yore it wasn't so, according to this public service announcement reminding Britons to “Post Early for Christmas!”

Generally speaking, I hate those e-mail newsletters from services like YouTube telling you what's new but I couldn't resist this one from BFI (British Film Institute) National Archive. What's more striking is this film from 1943 encourages you to post parcels by December 18th and letters by the 20th. That certainly trumps anything Canada Post can do. We've already passed the regular post dates for parcels and it's only the 12th.

You'd think in a world of modern communication and electronic efficiencies postal services would improve not worsen. There's probably some hidden economics at work that's meant the general degradation of the post.

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