A Thief Would Like Your Bike
Derek Griffiths reminds us to secure our bikes, while also confidently demonstrating the use of the roller style bike trainer – no mean feat that.
British actor and comedian Derek Griffiths reminds you to lock your bike to "a sturdy fixture, where it can be seen." Well, I did both of those things, but the cable lock (which I've been planning to replace for ages) was not up to the task. While I was enjoying a movie, my bike, the one I've only had for a year, was being nicked from a "sturdy" bike rack, in one of busiest and most visible locations in the city, Dundas Square. Never again. I'm going back to locking all bikes with two locks (one to capture the frame and rear wheel, and another for the front wheel).
That bike was so light, it bothered me to have to weigh it down with so many locks. Now I don't have to weigh it down at all. I've spent the last two weeks trawling through posts on Kijiji and Craigslist to see if some bonehead would try to sell it. In truth, it's a pretty distinctive bike. The polished aluminum frame, bullhorn handlebars and red brake cable covers made it subtly different. If I ever see it, I'll know it's mine and not just an off-the-rack look-alike.
I've had things stolen from a bike before (repair kits, lights, even brake pads) but this is the first bike I'd ever had stolen. I was gutted and pretty sombre for a week. Even sorting out the insurance was no help. The $500 deductible meant a paltry return but it also means I don't feel like spending a heap on another bike that would get stolen just for looking so good. For now, I'm riding an old junker that I dutifully lock whenever I leave it, even though it would be stretch to imagine anyone stealing it. I'm almost reluctant to ride one of my nicer bikes for fear it would be stolen too. The only thing to really do is get right back on my steel horse and ride into the sunset.
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