
Paul T. Anderson's The Master, just after The Dark Rises, may be Hollywood's most anticipated film of the summer.
I've seen the trailer, showered praise on the sumptuous teaser poster (see above; why are the teasers so much better than the real thing?) I've read the buzz, Katie and Tom are breaking up, which are all signs that this highly anticipated film will live up to its billing. The Master depicts a fictional cult leader who creates a fictional religion that sounds a whole lot like the nonfictional Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard. I just can't get enough of "bringing down a questionable new world religion". I'm sure Paul Haggis will give respectful props to Mr. Anderson (say that like Hugo Weaving's Agent Smith from The Matrix and it sounds better) all the while thinking, "Hey, I called 'dibs' on that ages ago. Bit rude."
Also, how did I miss this:
I've just become a big fan of this British series, The Inbetweeners so I'll probably seek out the film on DVD.
Oh and a new season of Breaking Bad pretty much cements my summer viewing.
So much for biking a century, running 16 KM or swimming 1600m. …and my figure? Good-bye form-fitting cycling shirts, hello fat pants.
Labels: film, things I've learned from TV