Two Province Blacktop

1200 km from Toronto to Métis-sur-Mer
We drove 12 hours over 2 days to install a sonic potato battery for the 2008 International Garden Festival at the Jardins de Métis, Quebec. Unfortunately, we hit an impenetrable wall of rain and cold that lasted for the whole week. Then, just when we thought we'd enjoy a day in Quebec City, our car decided against it. The car alarm went haywire, reversing itself by being armed when the doors were unlocked (think about that for a second; unlocking the doors armed the alarm). We solved that problem with a cunning duo-key-cum-security-deposit-box solution. All that crap aside, it was still worth the drive, if not for the potatoes then for the memories. I don't recall them at the moment, but I'm sure it will come. Mostly because I recorded everything.
Pomme de parterre
International Garden Festival