WTF Wednesdays

What's going on? I'll tell you what. The stars have aligned in a jangled-up, ragged edge sort of non-aligned way. Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 8AM I go for one of my semi-regular "adjustments" . No, not some unmentionable cosmetic surgery, but a sclerotherapeutic treatment - the injection of Bleomycin into my venous vascular malformations. Man, that last sentence sounded like I just ordered lunch in Welsh.
Yet while I'll be recovering from my anesthesia-induced coma, and an injection of foreign chemicals into my tongue, I'll also be officially missing my fifteen minutes of fame. My wee fake ads, created for self satisfaction and for the greater good of the Toronto Transit Commission have been included in a collection of short films about Toronto’s public spaces, being shown at the Drake Hotel and organized by Spacing Magazine.
We also may have a visitor that night as well - a close friend of ours who's been traveling in far off places for the last couple of years.
Convergence? Confluence? Synergy? Serendipity?
What was I talking about, I kind of lost my train of thought there... oh right. What is it with Wednesday? Talk about your "hump day"! I'm not sure how this happens. The one day I could be watching a public viewing of my work, whilst perhaps enjoying the company of a much missed friend, I'll instead be ensconced in the misery of half-wakefulness and a sorely swollen tongue. Them's the breaks, I guess. Well, I'll take what I can get. Medical treatment over public adoration? Unless of course, everyone hates the short films - in which case I'd be sore for a different reason.
In lieu of enjoying the spots at the Drake Hotel, I present one of the ads here. Enjoy.
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