Know Your Joe

Mr. White likes his joe the way he likes his storyline: Black
Now that the Atlantic has posted How to Make Perfect Coffee, I have to say I feel vindicated. I have to say that because saying, "I told you so" is impolite and inappropriate. The article uses some jargony jargon and names golden ratios and some neat sciencey sounding tools but the short take away is you can make great coffee by following some common sense rules:
- Use good, recently roasted whole bean coffee
- Store properly
- Grind just before brewing, preferably in a burr grinder
- Choose the correct grind to suit your method of choice
- Use the right coffee to water ratio
- Use the right temperature of water
I say all this on the eve of heading to St. John's where no one troubles too much about coffee so I'll have to make do somehow without packing my grinder, beans and press.
Labels: food
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